Dear Parent/Carer,
Cultural Capital Day – Wednesday 4th December 2024
At the end of module 2, the Academy will partake in the first of three Cultural Capital events. Our Cultural Capital days and week (at the end of the academic year), are a true highlight of our Academy calendar. These days give students enriching experiences and the chance to participate in exciting activities outside of their usual classroom learning experience in line with National Curriculum guidance.
Cultural Capital days for Year 7 students will include visits to a selection of museums on a carousel basis linked to their MYP learning. They are planned to develop key Approaches to Learning the following skills: Communication, Socialisation, Self-management, Thinking, and Research. The first Cultural Capital Day this academic year will be held on Wednesday 4th December. Students in Year 7 will be offered a free museum trip.
Students will travel on public transport and there is no cost involved to students, as the Academy receives exemptions from Transport for London. All trips will commence at the Academy, and students will return to the Academy at the end of the trip so that they can be registered before being dismissed. If a trip returns before the end of the Academy day, students will be dismissed upon arrival. All students should attend in their normal academy uniform and are advised to wear appropriate winter travel clothing, suitable for colder December temperatures. They will also need to bring a packed lunch and students eligible for a Free School Meal will be provided with a packed lunch. Spending money for souvenirs is to be kept to a reasonable amount. .
Cultural Capital Day trips assigned to Year 7 students are detailed below:
- National Portrait Gallery – Easley Small School students
The National Portrait Gallery is not only home to the world’s greatest collection of portraits and images, it also tells the story of Britain through portraits, using art to bring history to life and explore living today. Students will follow a selection of art history and drawing tasks as they navigate the painting and photography exhibitions, linked to their study of culture and identity. We anticipate returning to Leigh Academy Halley at approximately 2pm, depending on the frequency of the trains, where students will then be dismissed. - Transport Museum – Infinity Hub and selected students
This cross-curricular trip links history of travel in London with the lasting legacy of design and innovation. Students will travel back in time through the streets and personal recounts of Londoners and its many visitors. Linking to their curriculum, students will explore the stories of how the transport industry supported the war efforts in London. We anticipate returning to Leigh Academy Halley at approximately 2pm, depending on the frequency of the trains, where students will then be dismissed. - Science Museum, Turing and Franklin students
The award-winning Science Museum in Central London showcases how science and technology changed our lives. Our visit will allow students to explore how scientific innovation shapes the world we live in today. This links directly to your child’s work in their science lessons, where they have explored particles and elements. We anticipate returning to Leigh Academy Halley at approximately 2pm depending on the frequency of the trains, where students will then be dismissed. - Tower of London, Turing and Franklin students
Linking to their History curriculum, students will visit the Tower of London to explore the history of the monarchy and the legacy of the building that has witnessed some of Britain’s most dramatic moments in history, starting with our Medieval history. We anticipate returning to Leigh Academy Halley at approximately 2pm, depending on the frequency of the trains, where students will then be dismissed. - Neasden Temple, Turing and Franklin students
To develop students’ knowledge of global religions and beliefs, as studied in their Religious Studies lessons, students will get a first-hand experience of the Hindu faith in practice. Due to the popularity of this Temple, our visitor slot will commence from 2.30pm. To accommodate this, students will arrive at the Academy at 11.40am, and depart at approximately, 12.10pm, making their way to London and then on to Stonebridge Park Station, via the London Underground. Students will arrive back at the Academy after the end of the Academy day, at approximately 5.30pm. Please complete this Google Form to let us know how your child will make their way home from the Academy at the end of this trip.
If you have any questions about our Cultural Capital Days, please get in touch with a member of your child’s Small School team.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs H. Panton | Deputy Head of Turing School