Sixth Form Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG)

The Sixth Form (Key Stage 5) is a critical period of transition between school and higher education or apprenticeships and employment. We pride ourselves on being an all-inclusive support system to ensure our students develop as young adults and leave the sixth form as mature, high achieving, well-rounded and independent individuals.

All new students are invited to join us for our Induction Day prior to commencing Year 12.  Time is spent on taster lessons, team building activities and meeting tutors, academic teaching staff and current Sixth formers. Students can then feel confident about settling into the new environment and the high expectations that are an essential part of being a Sixth Form student here at Leigh Academy Halley.

In Year 12, the different routes available to students are discussed. Those who are planning to progress University start the journey by learning how the UCAS application process takes place and the timeline for applications. As students move into Year 13, the UCAS application process is carefully monitored. For those who are seeking employment and/or an apprenticeship (following sixth form) they can discuss the options available with their tutors an Independent Careers Advisor (Prospects), specialist apprenticeship providers and with our Student Support officer Rasheeda White. Industry and Higher Education opportunities are promoted on a regular basis and students are encouraged to make the most of these.

Tutorial sessions are held three times a week, Tutors carry out pastoral work on an individual basis, or run a whole tutor group session. Any issues or concerns are highlighted to our Sixth Form Student Support Officer for more in-depth involvement and advice. It is the Form Tutor’s role to have an academic and personal overview of each individual within their tutor group and to be the first point of contact between the student, parent/carer, and the subject teachers. 

Our Information and Guidance programme aims to:  

  • Provide additional opportunities, beyond the formal curriculum, that encourage students to become independent, self-supporting, and active members of the wider community; 
  • Provide opportunities to listen to and respect alternative points of view, thereby increasing students’ understanding of those around them;
  • Encourage speakers from our student body, for example, student-led assemblies and performances.

We value our Sixth Formers as individuals and as leaders of our school community. 

Thinking of going to university?  Here is a simple link with all the important information about higher education and the UCAS application process. The content is reviewed regularly by UCAS so it remains up-to-date and relevant.