Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Year 11 Autumn School Revision Sessions
As we approach the autumn half-term break, I am writing to inform you of the revision sessions available over the week commencing 21st October. The sessions have been selected based on what we believe are the subjects where students need the most support at this time of the academic year. The sessions will help prepare the students for their forthcoming mock examinations, which are due to start in the last week of November. Staff will include breaks during the day and, as the canteen will be closed, students should bring a snack and drink to school.

As well as the schedule for Autumn School above, overleaf is a timetable for revision and support that continues throughout the year. There are a number of sessions in the other subjects that are taking place during the school day that we have not included on the schedule below as they do not impact the start or finish times of the students involved.

If you would like any more information about the contents of this letter, please contact your child’s small school in the first instance.
Kind regards,
Mr Jonathan Kamya | Head of Turing School